Seriously… I’m Kidding

Seriously… I’m Kidding
Ellen Degeneres
Grand Central Publishing

Everyone knows Ellen Degeneres. She’s the quirky blonde comedian who is the face of a movement. She’s been on the scene for years and is one of Hollywood’s “it” girls. Not because she’s stunningly beautiful (which she is) and not because she has impeccable fashion taste, but because she’s a good person who does the right thing. And because she is true to herself and doesn’t let society tell her what is right or wrong. Oh, and incase you’ve lived in a box for the past few years, Ellen is gay and is one of the faces of the gay movement. Not only is she an actress, and activist, she’s also chock full of advice.
In addition to being an activist and comedian, Ellen has a daily talk show on TV and has written several books. Her latest “Seriously… I’m Kidding” is a collection of short anecdotes, advice pieces, life lessons, recipes, coloring pages, and thought-provoking  words. In short, it’s fun for the whole family. It’s a super quick and enjoyable read. It’s not a memoir or a book of straight up advice; it’s simply a fun time. If you know Ellen’s show, imagine the show in a book. It’s great for the subway or bus, and it’s great to pass along. It’s adorable and fun. I highly suggest it.

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